ROBERT KELLY: A CELEBRATION was a gathering to mark the occasion of American poet Robert Kelly's 85th birthday, as well as the publication of A City Full of Voices: Essays on the Work of Robert Kelly, the second in a two-volume set of collections, preceded by A Voice Full of Cities: The Collected Essays of Robert Kelly.
This portfolio of interview material includes poems from Kelly, a video by Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte, as well as remarks and contributions from Charlotte Mandell, George & Susan Quasha, Kimberly Lyons, Norman Weinstein, Billie Chernicoff, Mary Caponegro & Michael Ives, Tamas Panitz, Jerome Rothenberg, Elizabeth Robinson, Anne Waldman, Thomas Meyer, Ian Dreiblatt, John Yau, Peter Monaco, Joel Newberger, and Rainer Hanshe.
View-hear the material here.